Last Wednesday night, we (Lyke) had the opportunity to go and play an originals set at an event called D3W3 at Alton Rugby Club. The initially puzzling title stands for ‘Day 3, Week 3’ or more simply, the third Wednesday of month. It's not a collectors issue Star Wars droid you missed.
Every month, for the last 10 years or so (COVID allowing) the club has held host to a music night for local bands and songwriters to showcase their work. I’ve been aware of a few events like this over the years, but this one seems to work, a welcoming team, supportive audience and a professional sound guy goes a long way.
Each night consists of 3 acts. We had nominally been allocated ‘the newcomers’ slot, although all the acts were given roughly the same amount of time, about 25-35 minutes. I’ve been saying ‘we’... Lyke is, as you might possibly know, myself and Andy Osman, but Andy unfortunately couldn’t make it, so I’d enlisted Jeff, our drummer from REMbrandt, to back me up with some percussion.
#1 The Eclectics

First up, The Eclectics. Good name, and apt, as at first glance they did appear to be a somewhat varied bunch of individuals. Two ladies, four blokes, guitar, violin, djembe (that’s a goblet shaped West African drum, I know you knew that really) a piano and a keyboard. Song subjects again, suitable to the name. Lost luggage, psychedelic space voyages, ways to escape crap parties and drunken hobos all come under scrutiny. I was talking to Liv, the pianist at the bar afterwards, she explained to me how the band had come together gradually and quite randomly, all influences and input allowed, with no real rules. Quite intriguing really, and absolutely a one off. Last night was their first gig beyond Liv’s sitting room, good on them.
#2 Lyke

Next it was us. After apologising for Andy’s absence I fed the audience a white lie that Jeff and I had met in Asda about three hours previously, and that he seemed like a nice bloke. From this point on, Jeff, who is not in the band I might point out, gets the cheers. I’ve been to other gigs where they’ve chanted his name before he's even started playing. I have literally no idea how the man does it. If I'd have started an open bar tab in his name I'd understand. Mmm... note to self...
Anyway, six songs performed, ‘Blindside’ which I think is the first one of my songs I ever performed at an open mic night, followed by ‘Tried & Tested’ which is a kind of simple country song Andy helped me finish a while ago. Then ‘This Is The Truth’, the song that Andy and I are on the verge of finishing, and a song I wrote a few months back called ‘That Won’t Change’ which is about somebody I know who seemed to forget he had friends who would support him a while back. It's all good now. ‘All That I Do’ was fifth, it’s got a slow, off kilter beat that I messed up a bit, (because I was laughing at Jeff) and then ‘Fox In The Hen House’ which is a song Jeff and I have been trying to record lately. The last one therefore is the only one that Jeff therefore actually knew. It didn’t matter in the slightest. You work with someone musically for eight years or whatever, you understand the questioning looks, subtle nods and smiles that keep you in time. Well... most of the time in time ;-)
Vicki videoed most of it, here’s a short compilation that for some reason I’ve put together in an order different to that I’ve just explained. No matter - it’s only going here for you guys…
#3 The Tim Shez Band
Last up, The Tim Shez band. I did some low level internet stalking on these guys before last night when I knew they were playing….
"...Taking influences from singer songwriters, anthemic stadium bands and cinematic soundscapes, The Tim Shez Band deliver delicate and intimate original and cover songs that draw you in and take you with them. With the solid foundation of Ben's percussive drums, coupled with the rich melodies and orchestral tones of Mikey's fretless bass, Tim delivers disarmingly honest lyrics and melodies over acoustic guitars, strings and atmospheric vocal layers. The result is a sound which is engaging and often very emotional, lingering with the listener long after the sound has faded...."

Can’t really argue with any of that. Between songs, Tim was explaining about some of his inspirations and life events that have fed into his songwriting, and it’s really powerful stuff. He very directly and honestly shares personal and emotional experience in a way I don’t think I could. The band are based up in Farnborough, if you’re ever up in that neck of the woods I would suggest trying to get to one of their shows, they're excellent.
So, a great night all round, a really varied selection of performances. Thank you Lewis and Dave at D3W3 for a great night out!
Keep track of upcoming shows in Alton here: