Love. Probably the most overused word in the history of songwriting, but maybe rightly so. Whether you love Valentine’s Day as a cuddly, sentimental celebration of your one and only, or you avoid it like a plague of now’s the time to talk about songs containing the “l” word. So here’s half a dozen epic, live “love” songs you might not have heard (and don’t worry, they’re not all lovey dovey….)
The Sonics
“Have Love, Will Travel”
Have a TV? Bought car insurance? You’ve probably heard this, but not known what it was…
The Black Keys
“Weight Of Love”
Filmed for the Austin City Limits show, one for the guitar spotters…my love of The Black Keys has already been mentioned ;-)
Grace Potter
“Love Is Love”
A while ago I recommended checking out Grace Potter’s recent album ‘Mother Road’ - I still do, but this is what came before that….
Eagles Of Death Metal
“I Love You All Of The Time”
This was the band playing at The Bataclan in Paris, whose show was targeted by terrorists in November 2015…. Don’t let the band name put you off, who doesn’t love a song with a verse in French?
“I’m Always In Love”
I’m trying very hard not to talk to you a lot about how much I love Wilco. I will fail at some point, be warned. Just enjoy this for now….
Florence And The Machine
“You Got The Love”
For the Teenage Cancer Trust, with a full orchestra, at the Royal Albert Hall. That’s the definition of epic….
Additonal Ideas...
Those were my six this time around, but after I shared the post on facebook I got some suggestions from some friends you might like to check out!

Malcolm suggests...
The Power Of Love (Frankie Goes To Hollywood)
Love To Love You Baby (Donna Summer)
and about 50 other songs too!

Carrie suggests...
Unintended (Love) (Muse)
(I think there's a cheat there, but we'll let it slide ;-)

Steve suggests...
Love Is Only A Feeling (The Darkness)
Impossible Love (Learn To Drive) (my latest single)
Shameless self promotion there Steve, nice work!

Rob suggests...
For Your Love (Them with Van Morrison)
All You Need Is Love (The Beatles)